it's all about the music

Yes, We Blog

Not that often. Not as often as we should. But we try and get a few extra moments of your attention, to share moments or products of excitement, that you can benefit from. Or try and help with advice on how to improve your listening pleasure.

We will post details of our upcoming events in this section too, so please return frequently to see what's coming up.

It's all about the music...

Furman Mains Conditioners

Published on: November 27, 2012, 11:39 am

The whole area of Mains Conditioners tends to be a bit of a minefield. It’s fraught with misconceptions. Someone recently said to me, “Why on earth would you need a Mains Conditioner? If you’re getting 230 volts AC at 50 cycles, surely that’s all there is to it?” – Er,…

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