it's all about the music

Yes, We Blog

Not that often. Not as often as we should. But we try and get a few extra moments of your attention, to share moments or products of excitement, that you can benefit from. Or try and help with advice on how to improve your listening pleasure.

We will post details of our upcoming events in this section too, so please return frequently to see what's coming up.

It's all about the music...

Space Optimisation Event

Thursday March 28 2019
Published on: March 8, 2019, 12:43 pm

Following on from our February event featuring the fantastic Linn Selekt DSM, our next event will focus specifically on the benefits of Space Optimisation.


Having demonstrated the Selekt DSM before and after optimisation, it became apparent that most people hadn’t appreciated just how much difference the process of fine tuning, (once…

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